That is good. Thank you so much for joining me today. Today, we wanted to talk about the three reasons why you should be using Kodiak Pre-MTN. And those three reasons are, one, no crash, two, no second scoop and three, 67% improved performance. What?
So let's talk about the first one. No crash. Dark Mountain was developed for hunters. I'm a hunter, you're a hunter and you need some extra boosts in the mountains. We need extra energy and we need some focus and we absolutely cannot crash when we're in the mountains. Hard work absolutely happens during the hunt we're doing steep inclines and ridiculous treks over deadfall. And if we're lucky at the end of that day, we might be in a position where we can make the shot. And we all know that that's when the actual work starts, right. We can have a hard day but when we get the kill, it's going to be really hard. And so at that moment you cannot be having a crash. Your body can't be failing you at this point because you're going to be lugging out some serious weight. So we developed a product that not only gives you the energy that you need, the focus you need, but our number one comment it is, no crash.
Reason number two, no second scoop. We know that you have a bunch of options out there and I had those same options out there before we started Dark Mountain. And I can't tell you how many times I bought a product, started working out with it, great. Month or two down the road I'm adding a half a scoop, I'm adding two scoops. And so you might think that the product you are getting is great and it's cheaper and all that but is it really, if you're adding two scoops? When we developed Dark Mountain, we had this in mind because we don't want it to just be, use it for a few months and then move on to the next. This is a product that you're going to be using for years and you won't be adding another scoop. I've been using it since day one, and I'm still using it today and one scoop has the same efficacy today as it did back then. So reason number two, no second scoop.
Reason number three, 67% improved performance. Now I've always known since we started with Dark Mountain and since we developed our pre mountain that it works and that I have killer workouts in the gym, and I get that extra needed boost of energy and focus when I'm in the mountains. But it's hard to quantify, great workout, right? Well, we wanted to quantify it. And instead of doing what we've all seen done, sending out samples to everybody, and that might be good if you want to know if it tastes good, but does one or two samples really tell you if it works for you? It doesn't. And that's why we came up with our Dark Mountain gym to mountain seven day trials. With the seven day trial, we worked with Paul Campbell NASM Certified Coach to develop a score card so that you can track your results with using pre-workout and without using Dark Mountain Kodiak Pre-MTN, and the results were ridiculous. They were incredible. And I knew it was good, but after testing it with several of our Dark Mountain athletes, sending them the score cards with the workout program and the test, the results spoke for themselves. An average of 67% improved performance among the athletes who are using with pre-workout and without pre-workout. And so now we're not just guessing and just feeling great, we know from the numbers that Pre-MTN is improving your performance.
How does that translate into the mountains? 67% faster, farther, 67% stronger, and who knows maybe even 67% more successful on your next hunt. So if you're considering using Kodiak Pre-MTN, consider it for some of the three following reasons. A, no crash. B, no second scoop. And C, 67% improved performance.
That stuff is so good.
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